Over view of the class:
Sir assigned a part one journal (refer to the bottom of this note for details)
Listed upcoming assignment due dates-check "Calander" and "Important due dates"
Next week is Thanksgiving so no class Monday October 8thNext class Monday October 15th Essays ARE DUE!!! 20 %Tip- Don’t introduce something unless it has a pay off, weed out the irrelevant and keep the relevant in your story.
This also goes with advertisements; they keep in the most basic details and take out any irrelevant ones.
Sir spoke about all the emails he has been getting;
If you are referring to a general homework question, post it to the form so maybe another student can answer it or he can answer your question on the forum as well as the other students who have the same question.
ALSO try not to send him homework especially in an attachment; usually comes in his spam. You should bring it to him. If you need to send it to him then cut and paste it into the actual email.
Office hours;Monday by appointment only 1-2 and then @ 5.
Wed-5 and Thur-5 * Try to message him preferably.
If you need help inquire about Sir’s Writing Labs and email him to see if you can join once of his classes or email and see him in his office during hours or schedule an appointment with him.
TLC Center is a good resource
Today’s class we talked about the Literal
We examined a very basic instruction layout (hand dryers) and talked about the very basic of our understanding of colors, lines and how our eyes naturally adjust to looking at certain objects.
Which colors grab our attention first?
Underscore- Talking about the basic understanding with symbols, signs, colors, sounds…
Before you can understand the Analytical/Critical we have to make sure we understand the Literal.
OBSERVATIONSExample Sir used- knowing when someone is lying in how their tone changes.Literal:Observation and meaning -
Communication in any form-different kinds-text, sound, visual, pictures… We register shapes and colors almost unconsciously.
To understand the literal, example looking for visual clues in an old picture to determine the year.
Observing: Cars, Fashion, structer of the building, people and do your research on the basic. (Visual cues)
“Way we see color, moves forward or backwards"-ex.
Red is a popular color in ads especially because it stands out.
In advertisements or anything that is displaying contexts- the bigger the communication the more important it is (we used looking at a hand drying advertisement for an example)
LayoutsFraming around contexts is to convey to the readers that this piece of context is important.
The smaller the text the less important it is, or the smaller group of people it applies to.
“The scale reflects the importance”
Output-Interpretation* (I can’t remember exactly what that was referring to? Do you guys?)
We used different examples to talk about the basic literal stuff:
Hand dryer directions, batman comics, airplane directions, whimis symbolsAssignment to understand to the LiteralGo on to the online forum under “Open discussion” and click the link “America: Go Forth”
Describe the LITERAL/what you observed for 10-20 seconds of the video.
No interpretation; Just the most basic.
200-500 words-bring it in the next class to have it revised. Part two will be assigned later.
Handed back our APA papers.
Tip-don’t copy and paste citations, get used to typing it out.
Information I took home was that in text citations have to match the references for it to be done properly.
Happy thanksgiving* Celia <~ red head who sits in front!
p.s-I'm not 100% on my notes as i was pretty sick yesterday.