We went over the program guides and expectations.
An assignment is due next Monday on APA style formation. It's a small indtroduction to the style, try to stay away from mentioning it's history and stick to the basic functions.
A lot of tips and things to keep mind were given out in this class, on this class, and here are some of them :
-The final grade of this English class will no doubt be looked at in the future by potential employers. That's some serious motivation material there.
- The TLC in the library is there to help us. They can look at rough work and point out some revisions to be made and help us catch our mistakes. A visit to them could really up the final paper.
- Once a student is set up in the College English Forum they can post class notes, throw up projects for feed back, and hold open discussions. We can all help one another get to that point together. It's a big pull also considering that after a certain amount of postings bonus marks are acredited. Pretty cool huh?
- This forum has a calander that Prof. D recommends get's checked every week
- In the class room when it's time to hand in assingments they've got to be passed in on hard copy, good old fashioned word processed style. If not they can't receive a mark.
- Once marked work is graded and handed back to the student, the students are urged to hold on to them. Keep everything. Because maybe at the end of the term the marks don't quite add up, and keeping all projects a student can back themselves up and defend their mark if necessary.
- Plagerisim, copy and pasting, this will not be toloerated in this class room and will specifically be punished to the full extent, so be very careful to avoid that.
Ok Tips, and Tricks, Hope this helps anyone